Approximately 20 members including the Association President Gaynor Gough and the Association Chairman Pam Doodes attended the Conservative Policy Forum meeting on Friday 29th of January at the White Hart Netherfield.
Angharad Davies chaired the meeting which was supported by Huw Merriman M P
Huw gave an incite into recent thinking re the Syrian conflict. Tridant and the Migrant situation were also discussed,followes by open questions.
Geoff Lucas gave a summary of the recent Government Defence review which paved the way for further discussion.
Ray Cade compared the UK defence expenditure against other large countries.
Other areas discussed were Reservists, Intelligence sharing, Procurement.
All concerned seemed to enjoy the food and it was agreed that we will continue wit the Pensioners Lunch selection.
Next Meeting
Friday 19th February at the White Hart Netherfield 12 noon
Agreed topic HEALTH
It is understood that the meeting will be attended by HANNAH DAVID CPF National Voluntary Director